It has become known in which month people with mystical powers are born

Scientists and astrologers have agreed that the month of birth can influence a person's unique abilities. According to a new study, people born in October most often possess mystical power and developed intuition.
Specialists analyzed data on thousands of people known for their extrasensory sensitivity, predictive abilities, and connection to unexplainable phenomena. It turned out that most of them were born in October.
Astrologers explain this phenomenon by the special alignment of planets during this period. October children are under the influence of the signs of Libra and Scorpio, known for their mystical energy, deep insight, and ability to feel invisible flows of power.
Psychologists also confirm that people born in mid-autumn possess high empathy and are sensitive to the mood of others, which makes them good intuitives and predictors.
Of course, the presence of mystical abilities depends not only on the month of birth but also on individual qualities of a person. However, researchers are confident: if you were born in October, you have every chance to develop a gift hidden beyond the ordinary!
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