How to Improve Memory: 7 Working Methods to Remember Better

How to Improve Memory: 7 Working Methods to Remember Better
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In the modern world, information travels at the speed of light. We read, listen, learn, but... often forget. Where did the keys go? What's the name of the new colleague? What was assigned for math? All this is a matter of memory. The good news: memory can and should be trained. And it's not as difficult as it seems.

1. Sleep is not a luxury, but a necessity

Scientists have long proven: a good night's sleep is memory's best friend. It's during sleep that the brain "organizes" everything you learned during the day. Sleep deprivation is like pressing "delete" on an important file.

Tip: sleep 7-9 hours a day and try to go to bed at the same time.

2. Repetition is the mother of learning

The principle of intervals works flawlessly. The more often you repeat information with breaks, the better it is remembered.

Example: learned a new word? Repeat it in 10 minutes, then in an hour, in a day, in three days. This is the "spaced repetition" technique.

3. Move!

Physical activity improves blood circulation, and therefore - brain nutrition. Even a regular walk in fresh air improves attention and memory.

Fact: after 20 minutes of brisk walking, the brain works more actively.

4. Associations and images

Try to connect new information with something familiar. The brain better remembers images, smells, emotions than dry facts.

Example: the name "Olga" is remembered as "Deer and guitar" - strange? But you won't forget it!

5. Proper nutrition for the brain

Nuts, fish, blueberries, avocado - superfoods for memory. But excess sugar and fatty foods can, on the contrary, slow down thinking.

Tip: include more Omega-3 and vitamin B in your diet.

6. Remove "information garbage"

Too many notifications, social networks, noises - enemies of concentration. It's difficult for the brain to remember if it's constantly distracted.

Tip: do a "digital diet" - 1 hour a day without a screen.

7. Learn something new every day

The brain loves challenges. Learn languages, play chess, master new hobbies. The more new neural connections - the better memory works.

In conclusion

Memory is like a muscle: the more you train it, the stronger it becomes. Add at least a couple of habits from this list to your day - and in a month you'll be surprised how much easier it has become to remember.

🧠 Memory is not lost - it's just waiting for you to start using it.

This news edited with AI

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