A unique group that fewer than 50 people in the world belong to

A unique group that fewer than 50 people in the world belong to
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The incredibly rare Rh-null blood group, found in fewer than 50 people worldwide, represents a true miracle of modern medicine. These people are universal donors for patients with rare Rh-negative blood groups.

Researchers have established an astounding fact: carriers of this blood group completely lack 61 antigens of the Rh system. This particular characteristic makes their blood an invaluable resource for medicine, especially in critical situations requiring urgent transfusion.

However, there is a flip side: people with this unique blood type can only receive donor material from individuals with identical blood type. A particular challenge is the short shelf life of this "golden blood" - only 35-42 days under the strictest storage and transportation conditions.

According to the Science Museum Group journal, these limitations create serious logistical problems for medical institutions and laboratories working with this rarest biological material.

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