Weather forecasters predict heavy precipitation

Weather forecasters predict heavy precipitation
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Rain is forecasted in Baku and the Absheron Peninsula on February 14, with precipitation intensity possibly increasing in some areas of the peninsula.

According to the National Hydrometeorological Service, as reported by, the northeastern wind will change to northwestern in the afternoon.

The air temperature at night will be 2-4°, during the day 5-7° above zero. Atmospheric pressure will be 766 mm of mercury, relative humidity - 75-85%.

Variable precipitation is forecasted in some regions of Azerbaijan. Snow is possible in mountainous and foothill areas for short periods. Fog is expected in some places at times. Gusty western wind will prevail.

The air temperature at night will range from 2° below zero to 3° above zero, during the day 5-10° above zero, in the mountains at night 8-13° below zero, during the day 0-5° below zero.

Icy road conditions are possible in some mountainous areas.

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