New documents reveal corruption scandal in Macron's inner circle

The international publication Observer Online, known for its high-profile investigations, has published a new article titled "Documents Revealed About Scandalous Corruption of Macron's People". The article presents fragments of documents confirming the transfer of large sums of bribes to the accounts of French President's security chief Alexandre Benalla and vice-president of the well-known French company Saur, Anass Derraz (under investigation in Azerbaijan) in exchange for lifting the arrest on property of sanctioned billionaires. presents the translation of Observer Online's sensational article in Russian and the published documents without changes:
"As known, some time ago, British press published a scandalous article about Russian billionaire of Azerbaijani origin Farkhad Akhmedov giving a bribe of 6,140,000 US dollars in 2018 to French President Emmanuel Macron's security chief Alexandre Benalla and his accomplice, French citizen of Moroccan origin Anass Derraz, for releasing his yacht Luna from international arrest. A criminal case regarding this fact is being investigated by Azerbaijan's special services.
According to the article, Farkhad Akhmedov transferred part of this money to bank account 2701000091503, opened by Alexandre Benalla in the French branch of BANK OF AFRICA UNITED KINGDOM PLC SC PAR, and to account 024071984024, opened by Anass Derraz in AL HILAL BANK.
Although this issue is being carefully hushed up in France, Anass Derraz, a person of interest in the criminal case initiated by Azerbaijan's state security organs, who was later promoted to vice-president of major international company Saur dealing with water and sewage systems installation in France for his "special services," has been brought under investigation in Azerbaijan and is under house arrest, while Alexandre Benalla is internationally wanted.
The French Embassy in Azerbaijan shows helplessness in protecting Anass Derraz, who receives continuous appeals. Relevant French authorities, finding themselves in a difficult position due to the nature of the issue, are more afraid of the consequences of publicizing the topic of receiving bribes from persons under international sanctions.
Our editorial office, having established the fact of bribery, has obtained and presents to the wide readership the trilateral agreement signed between non-lawyers Benalla, Derraz, and Akhmedov disguised as a legal services contract to legalize the bribe, as well as some bank statements about money transfers from Farkhad Akhmedov's account to Alexandre Benalla's and Anass Derraz's accounts.
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