Two-year-old child lost vision after a relative's kiss

A two-year-old boy named Juwan, living in England, completely lost vision in his left eye after being infected with the herpes simplex virus from a relative's kiss.
As reported by BAKU.WS with reference to Haber Global, the infection caused by the virus led to the formation of a blister in Juwan's eye and the appearance of a 4 mm hole in the cornea. This hole contributed to the spread of the infection, and despite all the doctors' efforts, the child's left eye completely lost its function. To protect the eye, doctors were forced to sew the boy's eyelids shut.
Juwan's family is planning nerve transplant surgery, followed by a cornea transplant, to restore the child's vision. However, it is not yet known whether these procedures will be successful and whether the boy will regain his ability to see.
Juwan's mother emphasized the serious health risks associated with kissing infants and urged parents to be careful. The family has started an initiative both to raise funds for treatment and to educate other parents.
"Don't let anyone kiss your child. A small virus can lead to a major injury," the family warned all parents.
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