Scientists revealed the true appearance of Jesus

Scientists have described the true appearance of Jesus Christ. According to them, he looked quite different from how he is often depicted.
The traditional image of Jesus with light skin, a beard, and long blond hair, familiar to many from icons and paintings, may be far from historical reality. Religious scholar Meredith Warren and historian Joan Taylor conducted research, the results of which significantly change our understanding of Christ's appearance. According to their findings, Jesus most likely had an appearance typical of inhabitants of the territory of modern Palestine at that time – dark skin, black hair, and brown eyes.
The researchers also concluded that, contrary to the common image, Jesus most likely had short hair and no beard. Another interesting discovery concerns clothing – scientists consider it unlikely that Christ wore the long white robes in which he is traditionally depicted. According to the research, men in first-century Judea typically wore short woolen tunics with belts, and used thin linen tunics as underwear. In cold weather, they protected themselves from the elements with thick woolen cloaks, reports the Daily Mail.
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