A new ability of black holes has been discovered

A new study from the University of Sheffield (England) literally turns our understanding of black holes upside down.
According to the work published in the prestigious journal Physical Review Letters, scientists have put forward an astonishing hypothesis: when critical quantum effects are reached, the singularity at the center of a black hole can transform into a phase resembling a "white hole," ejecting matter, energy, and even time back into the Universe.
What are black and white holes?
A black hole is a region in space where the gravitational force is so colossal that even light cannot escape. Everything that falls into its gravitational embrace disappears without a trace. A white hole represents the complete opposite: instead of absorbing, it ejects matter and light outward. It can be imagined as a cosmic "exit" from a black hole.
At the very heart of a black hole is a point of singularity - a place where the familiar laws of physics cease to function: gravity becomes infinite, and time seems to freeze. Scientists have been trying for decades to decipher what happens at this mysterious point. The innovative idea of the Sheffield researchers is that due to quantum effects, the singularity can undergo an amazing metamorphosis, turning into something similar to a "white hole."
What role does dark energy play?
In this theoretical picture, dark energy, responsible for the expansion of the Universe, acts as a "timekeeper," allowing for the interpretation of dynamics inside a black hole.
Due to dark energy, the Universe is expanding, like an inflating balloon. Scientists suggest that it can function as a kind of "clock" inside a black hole. This means that time there doesn't stop but continues to flow according to its own rules that don't obey the laws of physics, while still allowing physical processes to occur.
"Imagine a black hole as a whirlpool in a river: water swirls and disappears in the center. Now imagine that at some point this whirlpool turns into a fountain and starts splashing water back. That's how a black hole, according to our theory, can become a white hole." He also noted: "We think that dark energy helps to measure time inside a black hole. This is a new idea that could revolutionize our understanding of the cosmos and the laws of physics," explained Dr. Steffen Gielen from the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences at the University of Sheffield.
Why is this important?
For now, this is just a hypothesis, and testing it will not be easy. Scientists note that if their arguments are correct, we will learn more about black holes and how gravity and quantum particles are connected. The idea opens up new possibilities for unifying quantum mechanics and general relativity. This could help understand how the Universe is structured and why it is growing.
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